Our Work
EiF Grants: Enhancing Communication and Use of Information in Engineering
Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT $24,686 Contact: Andres Leonardo Carrano, 203-254-4147, acarrano@fairfield.edu “Fundamentals of Engineering” course redesign incorporating new pedagogical elements, and piloting new approaches to enhance effective data-based communication skills
Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN $24,894 Contact: Maja Marjanovic, 219-989-2400, podbojm@pnw.edu Strengthening communication and interpersonal skills in engineering education through the use of affordable, interactive virtual design modules (VR/AR/MR)
The Research Foundation for State University of NY (SUNY RF), Syracuse, NY $24,132 Contact: Tracy Parker, 518-434-7245, tracy.parker@rfsuny.org Pilot attempt to improve communication skills of students by simultaneously adopting state-of-the-art 3D Printing and Virtual Reality technologies
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Selangor, Malaysia $13,682 Contact: Hum Yan Chai, humyc@utar.edu.my Bridging the gap between engineering students and non-engineering audiences by instilling data storytelling skills through training programs with industrial use cases and professional certification
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Contact: Christopher Kluse, 419-372-2441, ckluse@bgsu.edu
Develop, test and validate curriculum and activities to improve communication skills for Engineering Technology students
Busitema University, Tororo, Uganda
Contact: Frederrick Lugya, busitemauniversitylibrary@gmail.com
Develop a disciplinary-based information literacy e-curriculum for teaching engineering courses
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Contact: Allison Hutchison, 607-255-2787, abh98@cornell.edu
Teaching partnership between communications and engineering faculty to develop a new pedagogical model for offering communication instruction in large enrollment engineering courses
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Contact: Elizabeth Weiss, 213-821-2174, arnolde@usc.edu
Development of an Improv for Engineers master class in virtual reality to create a new model of improving communication skills and behavior in engineering programs
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
Contact: Sheila Arnold, 970-491-1559, Sheila.Arnold@colostate.edu
Integration of professional communication instruction in the construction management curriculum
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
Contact: Mona Eskandari, eskandar@ucr.edu
Redesign of engineering curricula with an explicit focus on enhancing technical communication as a life-long skill
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Contact: Atefe Makhmalbaf, atefe.makhmalbaf@uta.edu
Empirical examination of gamified flipped classroom for improving students’ technical communication skills
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Contact: Lu Zhang, 305-348-7227, luzhang@fiu.edu
Advancing engineering undergraduates' professional presentation skills by integrating multi-context communication training activities into lower division engineering courses
Targeted Communication Trainings to Foster Minority Students’ Presentation Skills;
Targeted Presentation Skill Trainings to Nurture Construction Management Students at Florida International University;
Fostering Virtual Reality Environments to Advance Construction and Engineering Students' Interpersonal Skills
Islamic University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Contact: Safianu Omar, +233 268 138326, library@iug.edu.gh; www.iug.edu.gh
Expansion of previous project to provide logistical support, additional computer resources, acquisition of e-books and online academic databases for the engineering library
University of New Haven, West Haven, CT
Contact: Carol Withers, 203-932-7454, cwithers@newhaven.edu
Increase participation in the PITCH (Project to Integrate Technical Communication Habits) program and improve technology-enhanced learning opportunities
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Contact: D'Arcy Randall, 512-471-5238, darcyr@austin.utexas.edu
Develop and implement a pilot cross-disciplinary training program for University Writing Center consultants to work with engineering laboratory classes
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Contact: Svetlana Olbina, 970-491-7026, Svetlana.olbina@colostate.edu
Determine if the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in construction and civil engineering education improves student learning and communication skills
EWB Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Contact: Torrey Sanseverino, ewbmslswicp@gmsil.com
Contribution to an EWB project in Malawi to build a bicycle powered maize mill.
See https://www.ewb.calpoly.edu/malawi-1
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Contact: Enrico Sassi, 701-231-9382, enrico.sassi@ndsu.edu
Create online educational resources that support students in developing communication skills that are necessary in academic and professional engineering environments
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Contact: Richard Sapon-White, 541-737-7319, Richard.sapon-white@oregonstate.edu
Project to conduct two weeks of training and consultation for implementing an institutional repository and enhancing user services at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Social Action & Subject Headings: How Catalogers Can Effect Social Change,
Framing the Future: How RDA, Linked Data, and BIBFRAME Will Change the Future of Libraries
The View from Olumo Rock Supporting Institutional Repository Development in Abeokuta, Nigeria
From Corvallis to Abeokuta: Visiting Our Sister Library in Nigeria
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Contact: Theodora Chaspari, chaspari@tamu.edu
Investigation of low-cost in-the-moment bio-signal interventions to promote students' public speaking skills in a virtual learning environment (VLE)
Coupling virtual reality and physiological markers to improve public speaking performance;
Speak Up! Studying the Interplay of Individual and Contextual Factors to Physiological-Based Models of Public Speaking Anxiety;
Virtual reality could be cure to public speaking fear