Our Work
EiF Grants: Information Access in Developing Countries (Program Ended in 2016)
Islamic University College, Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Contact: Safianu Omar, +233 268 138326,
library@iug.edu.gh; www.iug.edu.gh
Digitization of tattered and old materials, enhancement of faculty repository system and acquisition of e-books and computer systems for the engineering library
Engineers Without Borders - South Africa, Johannesburg
Contact: - Wiebke Toussaint,
wiebke@ewbsa.org; www.ewbsa.org
Development of the Project Roots Platform, a web portal designed to centralize knowledge about engineering projects and improve resource sharing for engineering students and professional engineers
Engineers Without Borders - UCLA, Los Angeles
Contact: Kyla Wilson, 760-855-2552, kmwilson@ucla.edu
Education program to train the community in sustainability efforts in the design of schoolhouse project in Nicaragua
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453, unoma@waawfoundation.org
Support for residential camps in Nigeria & Kenya for 50 senior secondary school girls to promote hands-on STEM learning
WAAW Foundation photos
WAAW Foundation STEM Camp
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Contact: Karen Kashmanian Oates, 508-831-4677, koates@wpi.edu
Development of a role-playing classroom simulation that introduces students to an engineering problem based in Morocco that requires high levels of interpersonal and communications skills
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Contact: Rosie Nasser, +961-1-350000 Ext. 2975, rn14@aub.edu.lb
Assessing the effectiveness of utilizing cooperative learning and online collaboration tools on enhancing engineering students' communication skills
Kid's Hope School, Jipal, Nigeria
Contact: Katniyon Henry David, kidshopeschool@yahoo.com
Mentoring program to recruit young rural girls into engineering technology and science courses
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Contact: Amir Behzadan, 407-823-2480, amir.behzadan@ucf.edu
Partnership with universities in Brazil and China to launch a "Women in Construction" camp
MORE: Women in Construction Workshop: Outreach to Female Students from Developing Countries
Youth for Technology Foundation, Louisville, KY
Contact: Njideka Harry, www.youthfortechnology.org
GirlsHub: an engineering/prototype space for 400 marginalized girls in Kenya to increase the visibility of engineering as a viable career
LASPAU: Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas, Cambridge, MA
Contact: Anjelica Natera, 617-495-5255, angelica_natera@harvard.edu
Design and launch an online professional development platform focused on effective teaching and learning in the STEM fields in Central America
Millenium Youth Initiatives, Centre Univ de Kananga, RDC Congo
Contact: Mwamba Boniface, safarimwamini@hotmail.com
Enrichment program for women in science, engineering technology and mathematics in Congolese universities
Woord en Daad, The Netherlands
Contact: Wim Hasselman, w.hasselman@woordendaad.nl
Material support (books, hardware and software) for the engineering library at Hope University College in Ethiopia