Our Work
EiF Grants: Women in Engineering
American University of Beirut, New York, NY $15,000 Contact: Mohammad Harb, mh243@aub.edu.lb Semester-long intervention where girls in a Lebanese middle school experience a maker curriculum integrated with their regular class activities with the goal of providing hands-on experience and developing girls’ identity as “makers” to increase their interest in engineering
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO $24,984 Contact: Mark Brown, 970-227-2991, Mark.Brown@colostate.edu Design and execute a formal research initiative to understand the factors that discourage/hinder Native American women from engaging in engineering majors
Engineers Without Borders, Columbia Univ. Chapter, New York, NY $5,000 Contact: Alexander Moreno, a.l.moreno@columbia.edu EWB Chapter Diversity funding project for increasing long-term water infrastructure and access in Amanfrom, Ghana. The leadership team is majority women.
James Ogunbor Education Foundation (JOEF), Lagos, Nigeria $15,350 Contact: Odegua Florence Ogunbor, +2348029706075, odegua@joefafrica.org 6-Day summer engineering and technology workshop/training targeting 100 public school girls among the Swahili tribe of Kenya, to expose them to STEM activities as they advance to senior high school and university
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ $14,958 Contact: David Shernoff, 630-418-0162, David.shernoff@rutgers.edu Development and evaluation of the “Girls Who Make” program to encourage middle school-aged girls to pursue careers in engineering using makerspace activities, mentoring from female role models and community building
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO $15,000 Contact: Sarah Jones, 314-977-6814, sarah.elizabeth.jones@slu.edu “Drones @ SLU,” a year-long hands-on experiential learning project aiming to use small drones to introduce female middle school students to aerospace engineering
Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia $17,960 Contact: Adeline Yong, Adeline.Yong@taylors.edu.my Develop and implement appropriate interventions to improve retention and progression of female engineering students and to analyze the impact and success of these programs
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Contact: Julie Rittenhouse, 216-280-2993, j.rittenhouse@csuohio.edu
Improving the retention rate of undergraduate women in engineering by expanding the ESS Scholars program and increasing the quality of incoming students
Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, FL
Contact: Sravani Vadlamani; 863-874-8806; svadlamani@floridapoly.edu
An 8-week multifaceted education workshop that centers on creating engineering awareness among middle and high school girls
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
Contact: Audra Morse; 906-487-3240; anmorse@mtu.edu
“Geospatial Girls: An Introduction to Engineering!” outreach program for middle school girls featuring hands-on activities and female role models in engineering
Old Dominion University Educational Foundation, Norfolk, VA
Contact: Ann Moynihan, amoyniha@odu.edu
EWB Chapter Diversity Funding Program grant for a water supply project in Guatemala
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
Contact: Kelly Rafaela Otemaier, kelly.rafaela@pucpr.br
Development of female leadership and empowerment in engineering students through e-learning training
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Contact: Stephanie Rankin, smrdar@riit.edu
Research study to understand the impact of gender and extracurricular activities on the retention of women in undergraduate engineering programs
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Contact: Sharon Pavignano, spavignano@uri.edu
Increasing participation in the women in engineering peer mentoring program, which provides first-year female students with social and academic support
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Contact: Seri Park, 610-519-3307, seri.park@villanova.edu
Villanova Growth in Research Learning: NovaGIRL, a pilot program aimed at enhancing girls’ interest and proficiency in math, science and computational skills by introducing hands-on activities in civil and transportation engineering
Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA
Contact: Kristina Rigden, 909-979-5506, karigden@cpp.edu
Increase recruitment and retention rates through the WEM3UR (Women in Engineering Multi Mode Mentoring and Undergraduate Research) Program
Women in Engineering Multi-Mode Mentoring and Undergraduate Research (WEM3UR): Semester 1
Insight into Diversity - September 2021, page 48
James Ogunbor Education Foundation (JOEF), Lagos, Nigeria
Contact: Odegua Florence Ogunbor, +2348029706075, odegua@joefafrica.org
Retention effort to help undergraduate women engineers in universities in Nigeria and Kenya understand common challenges in the workplace and how to overcome them
Traversing the Challenges Encountered by Women Engineers in the Workplace (Nigeria and Kenya)
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Contact: Barbara Blount Armstrong, 443-885-3361, Barbara.barmstrong@morgan.edu
Increasing exposure to engineering for middle school girls in Baltimore City
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Contact: Martha Nealer, 856-256-4500 x 52408, nealer@rowan.edu
Project REDEFINE: redefining the role of women in SMET through a SWE-led outreach program
Santa Clara University SWE, Santa Clara, CA
Contact: Arianne Soriano, scu.swe.plus@gmail.com;
SWE++, a free program that teaches middle school girls how to code, with special emphasis on recruiting students from low-income schools
Santa Clara University Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
Contact: Mariam Salloum, mariam.salloum@ucr.edu
Community Outreach and Data Science Experience (CODE) program, which exposes middle school girls to computing by introducing computational approaches to data science through a lens of social good
University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD
Contact: Mark Brown, Mark.A.Brown@USDDiscovery.com
Establish a cohort of the Rocky Mountain Scholars Program and study the possibilities of developing the program as a national model for engaging women in engineering majors
Rocky Mountain Scholars Program: Impact on Female Undergraduate Engineering Students – Social and Academic Support, Retention, and Success
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Contact: Benjamin Lutz, 805-756-1285, blutz@calpoly.edu
Research study to explore the role of gender composition on engineering teams, ideation and creative capacity order to promote engagement and retention of female engineering students
Citrus College, Glendora, CA
Contact: Lucia Riderer, 626-963-0323, lriderer@citruscollege.edu
Partnership with local school district to introduce young girls to a variety of engineering topics via hands-on activities, all facilitated by the college's female engineering students
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ
Contact: Marzi Azar, mazar@fdu.edu, Zhiwei Mao, zmao@fdu.edu
Expansion of the Girls Exploring Engineering program, targeting low-income middle school girls and providing engineering lessons and experiments
FDU-Girls Exploring Engineering - Video
Girls Inc. of the Valley, Holyoke, MA
Contact: Suzanne Parker, 413-532-6247, sparker@girlsincholyoke.org
Strengthening of the Eureka!: Strong, Smart and Bold Science for Girls program with more engineering-specific activities and expanding college readiness focus
Hope College, Holland, MI
Contact: Susan Ipri Brown, 616-395-7924, explore@hope.edu
Expansion of the ExploreHope program to add middle school mentoring, leadership development of undergraduate coordinators and outreach events
EXPLOREHOPE: Hands-on learning for local students
Sultan Idris Education University, Perak, Malaysia
Contact: Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, +605-4505947, balab@fskik.upsi.edu.my
Inspire and empower impoverished urban girls to be future engineers by using female engineers as mentors and providing activities that relate to engineering problem solving
Universitat International de Catalunya, Barcelona Spain
Contact: Mireia Hoyos, +34 93 504 2000 ext. 5826, mhoyos@uic.es
Program to increase retention of women in the bio-engineering program by providing a mentor for every student and other community activities relating to women and science
University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ
Contact: Brad Terry, 520-621-2993, brad.terry@uafoundation.org
Follow-up funding: Investigation into task assignment bias in the MATE ROV competition, and development of interventions that reduce gender-based disparities in program impact.
See MATE Arizona Regional ROV Competition
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Contact: Mark Brown, 970-491-5782, Mark.Brown@colostate.edu
Analysis of the effectiveness and impact of the Rocky Mountain Scholars Program on female engineering students
Rocky Mountain Scholars Program (RMSP)
EWB-USA, Denver, CO
Contact: Cathy Leslie, 303-772-2723, cathy.leslie@ewb-usa.org
Contribution towards teams at Carroll University and University of Utah with greater gender diversity through the University Chapter Program (www.ewb-usa.org)
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ
Contact: Dr. Zhiwei Mao, zmao@fdu.edu
Girls Exploring Engineering, a new program aimed at 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls to nurture interest in math, science and engineering
FDU STEM Academy launches Girls Exploring Engineering program;
Youtube: FDU Girls Exploring Engineering 2019
Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, FL
Contact: Jhojana Infante, jinfante@floridapoly.edu
Improve the THRIVE program, which focuses on female students' professional development, personal enrichment and community engagement.
Girls Inc. of Holyoke, Holyoke, MA
Contact: Suzanne Parker, 413-532-6247, sparker@girlsincholyoke.org
Support for "Eureka!: Strong, Smart and Bold Science for Girls" program that provides college exposure, academic skill building and personal support to underserved girls pursuing study in STEM
Eureka! at UMass Amherst;
Eureka moment: Girls Inc. participants complete summer STEM program at UMass
Hope College, Holland, MI
Contact: Susan Ipri Brown, 616-395-7924, explore@hope.edu
Partnership with student organizations for leadership development of undergraduate women through middle school outreach
EXPLOREHOPE: Hands-on learning for local students
Rowan University, Mullica Hill, NJ
Contact: Stephanie Lezotte, 856-256-4124, lezotte@rowan.edu
Analysis of the Engineering Clinic Program, a hands-on project based curriculum, for documenting the experiences and challenges of female undergraduate students and identifying factors influencing their recruitment and retention
Savannah State University, Savannah, GA
Contact:. Mir Hayder, 912-358-3282, hayderm@savannahstate.edu
Partnership with the local school district to provide effective outreach, recruitment and training to encourage more young women to pursue engineering careers through summer camps and mentoring
Inspiring Middle School Girls into Engineering and Technology Fields
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contact: Brad Terry, 520-621-2993, brad.terry@uafoundation.org
Investigation into task assignment bias in the MATE ROV competition, and development of interventions that reduce gender-based disparities in program impact.
MATE Arizona Regional ROV Competition
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Contact: Sharareh Kermansachi, 817-272-6704, sharareh.kermanshachi@uta.edu
Series of workshops to attract Hispanic girls to leadership and executive positions in civil engineering
Influential Hispanic leaders on campus
Women's Foundation of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR
Contact: Anna Beth Gorman, 501-244-9740, abgorman@womensfoundationarkansas.org
Support for Girls of Promise (GOP) which seeks to encourage interest and improve STEM skills for girls in Arkansas.
See Girls of Promise website