Info for Grantees
Grant Requirements/Terms and Conditions
Payment: Payment of the grant funds will be made in full after receipt by the secretary of EiF of a countersigned copy of our Terms and Conditions form.
Terms: Under United States law, the Engineering Information Foundation's grant funds may be expended only for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes. All applicants must qualify as exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its classification as "not a private foundation".
Grants are made only for the purposes stated in the application, and it is understood that these grant funds will be used for such purposes substantially in accordance with the approved budget. No substantial variances will be made from the budget without EiF's prior approval in writing. Any grant funds not expended or committed for the purposes of the grant, or within the period stated earlier, will be returned to EiF.
Evaluation: A written report is to be furnished at the end of the grant period. The report should contain:
narrative account* of what was accomplished, including a description of progress made toward achieving the goals of the grant
*Suggestions for questions to be addressed in the narrative account include:What do you feel were the lasting benefits of this project?
Were you able to fulfill the goals set by your organization in the grant application?
What problems did you encounter during the course of this project?
If you were to do this project again, would you do it differently? If so, how?
What are your specific plans, if any, for continuing the work started by this project?
financial account
copies of any publications resulting from the grant that have appeared or are in preparation.
EiF may monitor and conduct a review of operation under your grant, which may include a visit from EiF personnel to observe your program, discuss the program and finances with your personnel, and review financial and other records and materials connected with the activities financed by the grant.
Public Disclosure: EiF will include information on grants made in its periodic public reports. We may also refer to your grant in a press release, a copy of which would be sent to you in advance. If you wish to make your own press announcement, please send a copy of the draft of your announcement to EiF for its prior approval.