Our Work
EiF Grants 2002
Enhancing Communication and Use of Information in Engineering
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contact: Anita Coleman, 520-621-3565, acs@u.arizona.edu
Examines information behavior in virtual engineering laboratories and analyzes the impact on libraries and education
Wichita State University, Wichita, KS
Contact: Gerald Loper, 316-978-3285
Web-based information literacy program for industrial engineers
Women in Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
Contact: Rosa M. Cano, 973-596-3550
Expansion of women in engineering and technology initiative-FEMME Program
Nishnabotna Girl Scout Council, Council Bluffs, IA
Contact: Alyssa K. Kohler, 712-328-2338, http://www.girlscoutsncswi.org
Contribution towards programming, supplies, and equipment for "M PWR U", a weekly after-school program for 9th and 10th grade girls
Persephone Productions, Washington, DC
Contact: Bonnie Erbe, 202-973-0079, BonnieErbe@compuserve.com
Segment of the PBS news analysis program "To the Contrary" featuring profiles of working women engineers, plus outreach to engineering schools
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Contact: Terry Schmidt Adams, 508-831-5611, tadams@wpi.edu
GEMS Jr. -- introduces middle school girls to engineering through hands-on exploration
Information Access in Developing Countries
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Contact: William S. Kisaalita, 706-542-0835, williamk@engr.uga.edu
Partnership with Makerere University (Uganda) to integrate information and communication technology in engineering education across cultural borders
*Represents a multi-year grant