Our Work
EiF Grants 2013
Enhancing Communication and Use of Information in Engineering
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Contact: Amir Behzadan, 407-823-2480, amir.behzadan@ucf.edu
Research to assess the benefits of mobile augmented reality (AR) in enhancing student communication and teamwork skills
· Content Delivery Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Students' Performance in a Building Design and Assembly Project
· Design and Assessment of a Mobile Augmented Reality-Based Information Delivery Tool for Construction and Civil Engineering Curriculum
· Technology-enhanced learning in construction education using mobile context-aware augmented reality visual simulation
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Contact: Dr. Charles Pierce, 803-777-3855, piercec@cec.sc.edu
Integration of disciplinary writing techniques into undergrad engineering research courses
Pedagogical Techniques to Promote Development of Graduate Engineering Students as Disciplinary Writers
Women in Engineering
EduTech, Jamaica Plain, MA
Contact: Maru Colbert, 617-942-1054, edutech4snps@gmail.com
Phase III of the "Math is for Girls" program to further increase the number of girls and add an evaluation component
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Contact: Jennifer Groh, 765-494-0758, jgroh@purdue.edu
Design, implementation and assessment of 3 different outreach programs for 6-8th grade girls
Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ
Contact: Elaine Zundl, 732-932-9197 ext 15, ezundl@echo.rutgers.edu
Douglass STEM Leadership Program, offering academic development, leadership opportunities and living-learning communities to help improve retention
··Understanding the Relationship between Living-Learning Communities and Self-efficacy of Women in Engineering
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Contact: Melissa Dagley, 407-823-0040, Melissa.Dagley@ucf.edu
Support for mentors, networking and career-building events for the "Girls EXCELing in Math and Science" (GEMS) program
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Contact: Sheila Pendse, 207-581-2225, Sheila.pendse@umit.maine.edu
Engaging female middle school students from rural communities in cutting-edge Forest BioProducts research programs and STEM careers
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI
Contact: Wei (Vivien) Shi, 715-232-3298, shiw@uwstout.edu
Development of an active learning environment through a combination of project-based learning activities and mentoring to increase retention
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453, unoma@waawfoundation.org
Expansion by 200% of STEM camps for African girls, teachers and female college fellows in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria
Foundation empowers teens with ICT skills
Nigeria Needs More Women in Engineering Fields - Okorafor
Why more women should be social entrepreneurs
Nigeria: WAAW Boosts African Women's Interest in Science-Related Careers
Information Access in Developing Countries
LASPAU: Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas, Cambridge, MA
Contact: Anjelica Natera, 617-495-5255, angelica_natera@harvard.edu
Design and launch an online professional development platform focused on effective teaching and learning in the STEM fields in Central America
Millenium Youth Initiatives, Centre Univ de Kananga, RDC Congo
Contact: Mwamba Boniface, safarimwamini@hotmail.com
Enrichment program for women in science, engineering technology and mathematics in Congolese universities
Woord en Daad, The Netherlands
Contact: Wim Hasselman, w.hasselman@woordendaad.nl
Material support (books, hardware and software) for the engineering library at Hope University College in Ethiopia