Our Work
EiF Grants 2015
Enhancing Communication and Use of Information in Engineering
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Contact: Devon Stein, 864-656-7013, dastein@clemson.edu
Cross-disciplinary collaboration to develop a course in oral and visual communications for civil engineering students and to assess student outcomes
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Contact: Abbas Rashidi, 865-974-7714, rashidi@utk.edu
Innovative professional workshop series to enhance communication skills pertinent to construction engineering students
Women in Engineering
Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ
Contact: Jessica Ortiz, 201-253-1473, jortiz@lsc.org
Support of equipment and materials for the "Girls in Technology - Our Digital Life" workshop series presented to at-risk female middle school students
Griffith University, Brisbane, AU
Contact: Bridget French, +617 3735 9270, bridget.french@griffith.edu.au
Griffith Engineering Girls' Day, a full-day program of discipline specific engineering activities and hands-on engineering applications for female students in Years 10-12
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Contact: Nadeane D. Howard, 614-292-9065, Howard.1149@osu.edu
Improving retention of females by empowering male students as allies within an engineering college
Empowering Male Students as Allies for Gender Equity Within an Engineering College
Penn State Berks, Reading, PA
Marietta Scanlon, 610-396-6126, mrs35@psu.edu
Multi-dimensional program to increase recruitment and retention of females in engineering using practicing engineers and female undergraduates as role models and mentors to middle school girls
Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD
Contact: Chrys Egan, 410-677-5436, cnegan@salisbury.edu
Create "Engineer Girl" computer engineering program to serve diverse Wicomico County, MD middle-school girls
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Contact: Kristen Palumbo, 301-405-2150, kpalumbo@umd.edu
Expanded programming for Flexus, a living and learning community for female engineering students with the primary goal of increasing student retention
YWCA NYC, New York, NY
Contact: Cristina Morais, 212-735-9708, cmorais@ywcany.org
Deeper focus on engineering for the Geek Girls Club STEM program
Information Access in Developing Countries
Engineers Without Borders - South Africa, Johannesburg
Contact: - Wiebke Toussaint,
wiebke@ewbsa.org; www.ewbsa.org
Development of the Project Roots Platform, a web portal designed to centralize knowledge about engineering projects and improve resource sharing for engineering students and professional engineers
Engineers Without Borders - UCLA, Los Angeles
Contact: Kyla Wilson, 760-855-2552, kmwilson@ucla.edu
Education program to train the community in sustainability efforts in the design of schoolhouse project in Nicaragua
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453, unoma@waawfoundation.org
Support for residential camps in Nigeria & Kenya for 50 senior secondary school girls to promote hands-on STEM learning
WAAW Foundation photos
WAAW Foundation STEM Camp
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Contact: Karen Kashmanian Oates, 508-831-4677, koates@wpi.edu
Development of a role-playing classroom simulation that introduces students to an engineering problem based in Morocco that requires high levels of interpersonal and communications skills