Our Work
Older EiF Grants: Women in Engineering
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Contact: Anne Q. Barr, 864-656-7013, eabarr@clemson.edu
Summer program to introduce underserved middle school girls to mathematical theories, applications and role models in order to inspire persistence in STEM
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Contact: Lora Leigh Chrystal, 515-294-0966, pwse@iastate.edu
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Emerging Leaders program for historically under-represented female engineering students
Program for Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)
North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC
Contact: Andrea Ofori-Boadu, 336-334-7590, andreau@ncat.edu
STEM outreach program for improving the self-efficacy and broadening participation of minority middle-school girls in green engineering
Learning Experiences and Self-efficacy of Minority Middle-School Girls during a "Bio-char Modified Cement Paste" Research Program at an HBCU ASEE; paper id 25466
Ohio State University, Columbus OH
Contact: Gonul Kaletunc, 614-292-0419, kaletunc@osu.edu
Aspiration for Women's Advancement and Retention in Science (AWARES) program which provides nurturing and mentoring for female undergraduates
Retention and Advancement of Women in STEM: Mentor and Peer Network Relationships
SWE Collegiate Interest Group at Springfield Tech Comm. College, Springfield, MA
Contact: Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, 413-755-4591, bmcginnis-cavanaugh@stcc.edu
Production and dissemination of 3 videos designed to increase awareness of engineering pathways for girls using the stories of community college women in engineering programs
SWE at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Contact: https://www.virginiaswe.org/
Outreach events for middle and high school girls to ignite interest in engineering fields organized and led by current SWE students
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contact: Paul Blowers 520-626-5319, blowers@engr.arizona.edu
Evaluating the impact of classroom-based interventions for improving the retention rate of undergraduate women in engineering
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, TN
Contact: Meredith Perry, 423-425-4431, Meredith-Perry@utc.edu
UTC Girls to Engineers Network (GEN), a partnership with Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy to increase the number of disadvantaged girls that pursue engineering degrees and careers
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Eve Riskin, 206-685-2313, riskin@uw.edu
Integration of new lab-based research experiences in collaboration with faculty and graduate student mentors to the WiSE-UP program
University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON
Contact: Mary Wells, 519-888-4567, mawells@waterloo.ca
Documenting the experiences and accomplishments of innovative Canadian female engineers and disseminating their stories
YWCA of Greater Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
Contact: Kim Reeves, 404-835-1630, kim.reeves@ywcaatlanta.org
Support for the Teen Girls in Technology program designed to inspire adolescent girls from underserved communities to pursue STEAM education and careers
Black Girls Code, Oakland, CA
Contact: Kimberly Bryant, 510-398-0880, kbryant@blackgirlscode.org
Expand the Black Girls Code Clubs into three middle schools and create a pipeline of girls of color into tech fields
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Contact: Celine Manoosingh, PhD, 912-478-6266, cmanoosingh@georgiasouthern.edu
EMERGE program: summer series for middle-aged girls that presents different engineering disciplines and follow-up mentoring through high school
Girls Inc. of Chattanooga, TN
Contact: Phil Trammell, 423-624-4757, ptrammell@girlsincofchatt.org,
Support for the Build IT program, where middle school girls from low-income communities explore design, information technology, math and STEM careers
James Ogunbor Education Foundation, Lagos State, Nigeria
Contact: Itohan Ogbebor, +2347013416012, itohan@joefng.com, www.joefng.com
3- Day technology workshop/training for public secondary school girls in Lagos State
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Contact: Ronke Olabisi, PhD, 848-445-6687, ronke.olabisi@rutgers.edu
Recruitment of underserved women into tissue engineering research courses and introducing them to course-based research experiences
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453, unoma@waawfoundation.org
Establishment of the African Women Engineering, Leadership & Entrepreneurship (AWELE) Academy in Lagos Nigeria, a technology training and coding school
YWCA, New York, NY
Contact: Jerin Arifa, 212-735-9708, jafifa@ywcanyc.org
Added programming and participants for the Geek Girls Club STEM program
Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ
Contact: Jessica Ortiz, 201-253-1473, jortiz@lsc.org
Support of equipment and materials for the "Girls in Technology - Our Digital Life" workshop series presented to at-risk female middle school students
Griffith University, Brisbane, AU
Contact: Bridget French, +617 3735 9270, bridget.french@griffith.edu.au
Griffith Engineering Girls' Day, a full-day program of discipline specific engineering activities and hands-on engineering applications for female students in Years 10-12
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Contact: Nadeane D. Howard, 614-292-9065, Howard.1149@osu.edu
Improving retention of females by empowering male students as allies within an engineering college
Empowering Male Students as Allies for Gender Equity Within an Engineering College
Penn State Berks, Reading, PA
Marietta Scanlon, 610-396-6126, mrs35@psu.edu
Multi-dimensional program to increase recruitment and retention of females in engineering using practicing engineers and female undergraduates as role models and mentors to middle school girls
Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD
Contact: Chrys Egan, 410-677-5436, cnegan@salisbury.edu
Create "Engineer Girl" computer engineering program to serve diverse Wicomico County, MD middle-school girls
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Contact: Kristen Palumbo, 301-405-2150, kpalumbo@umd.edu
Expanded programming for Flexus, a living and learning community for female engineering students with the primary goal of increasing student retention
YWCA NYC, New York, NY
Contact: Cristina Morais, 212-735-9708, cmorais@ywcany.org
Deeper focus on engineering for the Geek Girls Club STEM program
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Contact: Serita Acker, 864-656-7472, wserita@clemson.edu
Summer program for 9th-10th grade girls focusing on increased participation in math, using academic support, mentoring, professional development workshops and networking
Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ
Contact: Jessica Ortiz, 201-253-1473, jortiz@lsc.org
Development and delivery of the Hands-On Technology (HOT) workshop series to at-risk female middle school students
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Contact: Michele Oesch, 314-977-6814, moesch@slu.edu
Girls' Academy for Leadership and Engineering (GALE) program
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Contact: Paula Ryan, 805-893-8129, info@isber.ucsb.edu
Outreach to low-income, first-generation, college-bound middle school girls to build excitement for engineering careers
'Messengers for Success'
University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Contact: Megan Rehberg, 937-229-2919, rehberg@udri.dayton.edu
Development of an engineering outreach program for middle school girls, including activity modules, teacher training, and a website for parents
Engineering in the Classroom
Empowering Engineering Students to Engage Middle School Classrooms in Engineering Innovation and Design through Outreach Kits
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Contact: Sheila Pendse, 207-581-2225, Sheila.pendse@maine.edu
Expansion of the SELF (Sustainable Energy Leaders for the Future) program which connects rural women to STEM careers in forest bio-products
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Eve Riskin, 206-685-2313, riskin@uw.edu
WiSE-UP retention program to provide support and community-building opportunities to women engineering students early in the college experience
EduTech, Jamaica Plain, MA
Contact: Maru Colbert, 617-942-1054, edutech4snps@gmail.com
Phase III of the "Math is for Girls" program to further increase the number of girls and add an evaluation component
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Contact: Jennifer Groh, 765-494-0758, jgroh@purdue.edu
Design, implementation and assessment of 3 different outreach programs for 6-8th grade girls
Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ
Contact: Elaine Zundl, 732-932-9197 ext 15, ezundl@echo.rutgers.edu
Douglass STEM Leadership Program, offering academic development, leadership opportunities and living-learning communities to help improve retention
·Understanding the Relationship between Living-Learning Communities and Self-efficacy of Women in Engineering
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Contact: Melissa Dagley, 407-823-0040, Melissa.Dagley@ucf.edu
Support for mentors, networking and career-building events for the "Girls EXCELing in Math and Science" (GEMS) program
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Contact: Sheila Pendse, 207-581-2225, Sheila.pendse@umit.maine.edu
Engaging female middle school students from rural communities in cutting-edge Forest BioProducts research programs and STEM careers
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI
Contact: Wei (Vivien) Shi, 715-232-3298, shiw@uwstout.edu
Development of an active learning environment through a combination of project-based learning activities and mentoring to increase retention
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453, unoma@waawfoundation.org
Expansion by 200% of STEM camps for African girls, teachers and female college fellows in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria
Foundation empowers teens with ICT skills
Nigeria Needs More Women in Engineering Fields - Okorafor
Why more women should be social entrepreneurs
Nigeria: WAAW Boosts African Women's Interest in Science-Related Careers
California State Univ., Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
Contact: Jerry Yu, 657-278-7677
Implementing a "Women in Engineering Learning Community Program" to improve retention rates
Women engineers receive Raytheon sponsorship
Campus Middle School for Girls, Urbana, IL
Contact: Susan Linnemeyer, 217-359-9094,
GLEE: Girls Learning and Exploring Engineering program expansion to middle school
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Contact: Kathy Rogers, kvr28@cornell.edu
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Women's Group (CBEGWG) mentoring outreach project for rural girls
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Women's Goup Cornell University
EduTech, Jamaica Plain, MA
Contact: Maru Colbert, 617-942-1054, edutech4snps@gmail.com
Expansion of "Math is for Girls" program to increase the number of girls and add sustainability
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Contact: Abigail Richards, 406-994-5926,
Community building intervention to increase retention of freshman college undergraduate females in engineering
The Works (Museum), Bloomington, MN
Contact: Heather Lund, 952-848-4858, heather@theworks.org,
Expansion of "Girls Discover/Create" program of summer tech camps, workshops and seminars to serve additional girls and parents
Wayne County Community College District, Detroit, MI
Contact: Jeromy Mason, 404-441-8041, jeromymason@hotmail.com; Brian Singleton, 313-496-2778, Bsingle1@wcccd.edu
Program to inspire and motivate female students to continue in engineering past community college and complete a BS engineering degree
Chancellor's Weekend Memo (p. 3)
Arbutus Middle School, Arbutus, MD
Contact - Michael Guarraia,
Afterschool program designed to provide a comprehensive overview of engineering culminating in the design and construction of kinetic sculptures
Baltimore Sun: Kinetic Sculpture Race participants show mettle with their pedals
Patch: Arbutus Students Design Mobile Bird's Nest
Citrus College, Glendora, CA
Contact: Lucia Riderer, 626-914-8763,
Multi-component program to increase the number of female students persisting in engineering prerequisite courses and transferring to a baccalaureate degree
Encourage and Engage Women in Engineering
Community Resource Volunteers, St Johns, MI
Contact: Bill Richards, 517-331-4620,
Increasing enrollment of women in engineering degree programs trough mentoring and linking with regional universities
EduTech, Jamaica Plain, MA
Contact: Maru Colbert, 617-272-4141,
STEM enrichment program for under-served girls
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Contact: Rebecca Sellars, 575-646-6128,
"Wizards of Goddard Hall" - program to increase STEM participation among public school girls with disabilities
Smith College, Northampton, MA
Contact: Borjana Mikic, 413-585-7007,
Job shadowing by undergraduate women students to improve interest and retention in engineering
Presentation Slides, November 2012
South African Women in Engineering, Cape Town, SA
Contact: Naadiya Moosajee, +27 (0)21 686 0414,
Recruit high potential girls into engineering through workshops, team building and mentoring in the "GirlEng" program
WAAW Foundation (Working to Advance African Women), Wylie, TX
Contact: Unoma Okorafor, 979-574-3453,
STEM camp for junior secondary school African girls in Abuja, Nigeria
WEPAN, Denver, CO
Contact: Diane Matt, 303-871-4643,
Follow-up to a 2009 grant to disseminate the "Talk to Me" program, which seeks to improve faculty-student interactions, to 25 additional schools
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Contact: Tirupalavanam Ganesh, 480-727-9375,
Pilot program to study over a three-year period what works in increasing the number of women in engineering
COSI: Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, OH
Contact: Joan Harless, 614-228-2674,
Girls Discover...Engineering!, a program that brings together middle school girls, practicing women engineers and undergraduate women engineering students
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Contact: Dara Little, 815-753-9285,
Re-design of freshman "Intro to Engineering" courses and supplements to make them more female-friendly
Rochester Inst. of Technology, Rochester, NY
Contact: Elizabeth Dell, 585-475-2270,
Analysis and enhancement of assessment tools used in existing outreach and retention efforts
WE-IMPACT team publications
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Contact: Tricia Berry, 512-471-5650,
Initiative to build community, enhance outreach and recruitment, and develop leadership, career and communications skills for female engineering students
Women in Engineering Program
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Contact: Cara Poor, 509-335-4547,
Expand and improve the Women in Engineering Mentoring Program to increase retention
WSU Mentorship Program
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Contact: Rebecca Sellars, 575-646-6128,
Development of female-oriented programming to support enrichment activities that promote girls' interest in science and engineering
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
Contact: Liisa Franzen, 240-895-4282,
Summer science camp for middle-school girls featuring hands-on enrichment activities
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Contact: Chet Rock, PhD., PE, 207-581-2216,
Partnership with 4-H Maine to provide "Engineering Awareness Days"
WEPAN, Denver, CO
Contact: Diane Matt, 303-871-4642,
Creation of an instructional unit to improve interactions between engineering faculty and women engineering students, and disseminate at 5 engineering schools
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Contact: Julie Martin Trenor, Ph.D., 864-656-2541,
Development and national dissemination of adaptable research-based materials for recruiting and retaining female first generation college students in engineering
Online article: The Role of Social Capital in the Experiences of Hispanic Women Engineering Majors
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Contact: Jessica M. Kemp, Ph.D., 225-578-0092,
Workshop series for engineering faculty that explores gender equity issues and the impact on retention of female engineering students
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Contact: Geb Thomas, 319-335-5936,
RoboGrrl – a summer day camp for junior high girls
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Eve A. Riskin, Ph.D., 206-685-2313,
Development of a replicable model for university student-run outreach programs that encourage middle school girls to study engineering
UW Women's Initiative
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Contact: Serita Acker, 864-656-0976,
Introduces middle school girls to math, science and engineering in the "It's a Girl Thing" program
North Kansas City Schools, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Amy Light, 816-413-5057,
Increases participation in the ACE (Architecture, Construction & Engineering) Mentor program
Northwestern University SWE, Evanston, IL
Contact: Kelly M. Luckasevic,
Summer Program for Girls organized by SWE (Society of Women Engineers) undergraduates
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Contact: Douglas B. Cleary, Ph.D., P.E., 856-256-5325,
Study of applicant pool data to improve recruitment efforts of female engineering students
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Contact: Susan Staffin Metz, 201-216-8228,
Adds qualitative data to the Project to Assess Climate Change in Engineering (PACE)
PACE website
The Works, Edina, MN
Contact: Kris Best, 952-848-4846,
Hands-on exploration of engineering for middle school girls
Zambia Research and Development Centre, Lusaka, Zambia
Contact: Richard Silumbe+260-99-303567,
Establishes engineering information centers at select schools for access to ZRDC and encourages female student participation
Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, East Hartford, CT
Contact: Natalie Real, 860-282-4204,
Project to offer the PACE: Pursuing and Achieving Careers in Engineering program to at-risk and economically disadvantaged minority middle school girls
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Contact: Stephanie Strange, 305-348-1635,
Series of outreach programs and workshops to encourage middle school girls in engineering
Harvard College, Cambridge, MA
Contact: Eric Mazur, 617-495-8729,
Study of interactive teaching techniques to reduce the gender gap in engineering
Headstart College, Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: Retha Roux, 021-448 1534,
Bridging education program offering intensive instruction in math and science to facilitate access to engineering for disadvantaged women
Kid's Hope School Jipal, Plateau State, Nigeria
Contact: Katniyon Henry David, 08077233408,
Mentoring project to recruit rural girls into engineering and technology courses involving training of mentors, providing educational materials and equipment
Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX
Contact: Dr. Sherri Frizell, 936-857-2715,
Identification of factors affecting the retention and attrition of African-American women in computer science and engineering
University of Evansville, Evansville, IN
Contact: Alicia Harris, 812-488-2272,
Expanded programming for the "Options for Girls" summer camp
University of Houston, Houston, TX
Contact: Julie Martin Trenor, Ph.D., 713-743-3299,
Research on the affects of ethnicity and cultural background on female students' attitudes and retention in engineering majors
Investigating the relations of ethnicity to female students' perceptions and intention to major in engineering using social cognitive theory
Greene County Career Center, Xenia, OH
Contact: Bob Kaiser, 937-879-3611,
Program to excite girls about engineering using robots, rockets and race cars
isisHawaii, Honolulu, HI
Contact: Lynn Fujioka, 808-988-1931,
Develop an online workshop pilot that helps students and parents understand the role of engineers
Kettering University, Flint, MI
Contact: Betsy Homsher, 810-762-9540,
Collaboration with Genesee county schools to create the Discovery program, a career-oriented series of workshops to encourage SMET participation
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Contact: S. David Wu, 610-758-5308,
Enhancements to the Summer CHOICES program, designed to increase the pipeline of women into engineering
SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
Contact: Napis Chongleuswarawong, 631-632-4134,
Expanded mentoring, student leadership and alumnae programs to augment WISE programming efforts
University of Denver, Denver, CO
Contact: Ronald DeLyser, 303-871-2102
Expansion of the "Making of an Engineer" and "Making of a Scientist" programs
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Suzanne Gage Brainard, 206-543-4810,
Research on the impact of merging WISE and MSEP programs on the retention of women in engineering
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Contact: Hasmik Gharibyan, 805-756-7068,
Investigate why women avoid Computer Science in America compared to the former Soviet Union
Gender Gap in Computer Science Does Not Exist in One Former Soviet Republic: Results of a Study (.pdf)
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Contact: StanleyD. Mckenzie, Ph.D., 585-475-2392,
Redesign of a workshop for incoming freshman women that highlights all engineering disciplines by having them build their own personal computer
WE@RIT website
Santa Clara Unified School District, Santa Clara, CA
Contact: Jocelyn Lee, 408-423-2109,
Expand the GAINS: Girls Achieving in Non-traditional Subjects program to additional schools and create a disseminate program
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Susan Agee, 215-895-5925,
Outreach to the all-girls Springside School, focusing on the creation and implementation of an assessment tool to measure impact
Girls Inc., New York, NY
Contact: Jenny Lindstrom, 212-509-2000 ext. 203,
"Thinking SMART," a national project to increase girls' skills and interest in science and engineering
MentorNet, San Jose, CA
Contact: Carol B. Muller, Ph.D., 408-924-4061,
Evaluate the effectiveness of e-mentoring strategies for women of color in engineering and science
Mercer University, Macon, GA
Contact: Dr. Joan Burtner, 478-301-4127,
Retrospective study of freshmen engineering attitudes and persistence towards a college degree
Mt Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Contact: Orin Hoffman, 413-538-2238,
Design and implementation of an intro to engineering course utilizing Lego Mindstorms, including community-based outreach to middle schools
Persephone Productions, Washington, DC
Contact: Bonnie Erbe, 202-973-0079,
Dissemination of award-winning segment of "To the Contrary" on women in engineering
University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ
Contact: Ray Umashankar, 520-621-8103,
Rapid prototyping as an innovative, instructional, mentoring and recruitment tool for attracting middle-school girls to engineering
Western Transportation Institute of Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Contact: Susan Gallagher, 406-994-6559,
Encourage girls' awareness of engineering through interactive exploration of bridges and dams with women engineering students
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
Contact: Rosa M. Cano, 973-596-3550
Expansion of women in engineering and technology initiative-FEMME Program
Nishnabotna Girl Scout Council, Council Bluffs, IA
Contact: Alyssa K. Kohler, 712-328-2338, http://www.girlscoutsncswi.org
Contribution towards programming, supplies, and equipment for "M PWR U", a weekly after-school program for 9th and 10th grade girls
Persephone Productions, Washington, DC
Contact: Bonnie Erbe, 202-973-0079, BonnieErbe@compuserve.com
Segment of the PBS news analysis program "To the Contrary" featuring profiles of working women engineers, plus outreach to engineering schools
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Contact: Terry Schmidt Adams, 508-831-5611, tadams@wpi.edu
GEMS Jr. -- introduces middle school girls to engineering through hands-on exploration
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Contact: Julie Pandosh, 805-546-3279
"Expanding Your Horizons" workshop for 7-9th grade girls to encourage pursuit of math, science, technology and engineering
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Contact: Francoise Piron, ing., francoise.prion@epfl.ch, and Sylvie Boulanger, dr ing., sboulanger@ksicom.ch
Sci/tech recruitment material for 12-15 year old girls, adapted to the Franco-European culture
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Contact: Lori C. Bassman, 909-607-1250, lori_bassman@hmc.edu
Expansion of Partners in Engineering Problem Solving - PEPS program that trains high school science/math teachers across the nation in "hands-on" engineering methods
Lima Tech College, Lima, OH
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Spiers, 419-995-8331
Girls in Engineering Career Kamp Opportunity (GECKO) to entice ninth and tenth grade females in rural areas to consider engineering
Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA
Contact: Hugo Morales, 559-455-5777, http://www.radiobilingue.org
Production of radio broadcast "Latinos in Engineering" to educate Latinos about career opportunities in engineering
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Contact: Evelyn F. Hanna, 732-445-2687, evelynh@rci.rutgers.edu
Summer programs designed to familiarize middle school girls with the various engineering disciplines and to instill a feeling of mathematical and scientific accomplishment
SME Education Foundation, Dearborn, MI
Contact: Lynn M. Borg, 313-271-1500 ext. 1713
STEPS (Science Tech & Engineering Preview Summer) camp curriculum guide on CD-ROM
Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
Contact: Tricia Draughn, 979,845-7200, Tricia@eapo.tamu.ude
Support for high school outreach program, first year orientation program, and second year retention program
Trinity College, Hartford, CT
Contact: David J. Ahlgren, Ph.D., 860-297-2517
Establish a one-year joint program with Swarthmore College as part of a coalition to connect outreach programs at leading liberal arts colleges that offer engineering degrees
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Contact: Dr. Bevlee Watford, 540-7404
Increasing the yield rate of women engineering applicants by expanding a women's preview weekend program
FIRST Place, Manchester, NH
Contact: Cindy Abrams, 603-666-3906, 800-871-8326;
SharingFIRST, a website for access to engineering information, distance learning and collaborative problem-solving in support of recruiting young women to the FIRST robotics program
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Contact: K. Michelle Buckman, 404-894-6894,
Multimedia CDROM/website designed to provide a more updated image and understanding of engineering as a career choice
Girls' Club of Allentown, Allentown, PA
Contact: Deborah Fries, 620-433-0093
Enhancing a summer program for inner-city girls to explore engineering and provide instructional computer classes
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI
Contact: Edith Assaff, 248-204-2312,
Collaboration with the Michigan Metro Girl Scouts on a summer program to engage minority girls in math, engineering and science
MassPEP, Boston, MA
Contact: Lisa Ackerman, P.E., 781-275-0494,
Training sessions for education professionals and workshops for parents to direct attention to the variety of choices women have today in engineering
MentorNet, San Jose, CA
Contact: Peg Boyle Single, 408-924-4061,
Interactive web-based training modules for mentors and women students in support of MentorNet's nationwide e-mentoring program for engineering education
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Contact: Kauser Jahan, 856-256-5323,
Workshop for attracting women into engineering renewal
Santa Clara High School, Santa Clara, CA
Contact: Jocelyn Lee, 408-985-5900
Academic, college and career counseling for young women of color who are interested in pursuing careers in science and engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Suzanne Gage Brainard, 206-543-4810,
Two-year project to establish long-term collaborations with top engineering universities in Africa and build and disseminate a website in order to increase the pool of women
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Contact: Naomi Chesler, 802-656-0978,
Development of a leadership training program for junior women faculty in engineering disciplines
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
Contact: Denise Nicoletti, 508-831-5257,
Summer outreach program to generate interest and excitement about engineering and technology among young women
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
Contact: Jan DeWaters, 315-268-3791,
Partnership program which attracts young women into engineering through a combination of mentoring, project-based learning activities, and exposure to local female professional engineers.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Contact: Cynthia Haller, 919-515-3866,
Enhancing the retention of women engineers through a team approach
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Contact: Susan Staffin Metz, 201-216-5245,
Seminar and follow-up for middle school and high school guidance counselors to educate them about careers in engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO
Contact: Jill S. Tietjen, P.E., 303-492-0083
Energy Education Workshop for Girls
University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
Contact: Sherry E. Woods, Ed.D., 512-471-5650
WEP retention effort
Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA
Contact: Lisa A. Ackerman, P.E., 781-275-0494,
Outreach programs that send engineers into schools as role models
Cooper Union, New York, NY
Contact: Eleanor Baum, Ph.D., 212-353-4285
Women Engineers Breakthrough (WEB) program, a leadership training initiative for women engineers
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Contact: Linda Ann Riley, 505-646-4923
Three industrial engineering experience modules directed at middle school girls
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Contact: Barbara Bogue, 814-863-5790,
Hands-on orientation program for female students with networking and mentoring components
Rensselaer Polytechnic University, Troy, NY
Contact: Vicki Lynn, 518-276-6203
Workshop for high school girls on opening the way to careers in engineering
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Contact: Kauser Jahan, Ph.D., P.E., 609-256-4609
Introducing engineering to female students through hands-on experiments and industrial plant trips
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Contact: Julie Spoerre, Fran Harackiewicz, Lizette Chevalier, 618-453-7832
Development of materials addressing gender-equity techniques for high school science and math modules
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Contact: Jan Rinehart, 409-847-8887
SWE summer camp for fifty 7th and 8th grade girls to consider engineering as a career choice
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Contact: Carla Trujillo, Ph.D., 510-643-6443,
Interactive Theater Project focused on creating a more equitable classroom learning environment
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Contact: Susan A. Linnemeyer, 217-244-3517
Summer residential program for middle school girls to learn about engineering
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Sandra Ingram, Ph.D., 204-474-9698,
Phase 2 of pilot study on gender and modes of collaboration in engineering
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Contact: Cheryl Morris, 301-405-3931
One-week summer in engineering programs for 60 female high school students
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Contact: Linda Swoboda, 402-472-3738
Multimedia technology approach to recruitment of women in engineering
University of Texas at El Paso/University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Contact: Mary Besterfield-Sacre, 412-624-9836,
Multi-institutional benchmarking study of the effects of gender and ethnicity on retention success
Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Corinna (Cori) E. Lathan, Ph.D., 202-319-5095,
Workshops for high school girls on opening the way to careers in engineering
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Contact: Cynthia Haller, 919-515-3866,
Enhancing the retention of women engineers through a team approach
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN
Contact: Jane Z. Daniels, Ph.D., 765-494-3889
Program on retention of women in engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Contact: Jan Rinehart, 409-847-8887
Summer program for 7th and 8th grade girls to encourage pursuit of engineering
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Contact: Sandra Ingram, Ph.D., 204-474-9698,
Study on gender and modes of collaboration in engineering
University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD
Contact: Cheryl Morris, 301-405-3931
One-week summer in engineering programs for 60 female high school students
University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
Contact: Sherry E. Woods, Ed.D., 512-471-5650
Project to increase the percentage of women who stay in engineering after their first year of study
WEPAN Women in Engineering Programs and Advocate Network, Hoboken, NJ
Contact: Susan Staffin Metz, 201-216-5245,
Development of a national assessment tool for engineering institutions to improve the climate for women
YWCA of the U.S.A., New York, NY
Contact: Prema Mathai-Davis, 212-273-7800
"TechGRRLS" program of events for high school girls to explore technical professions
*Represents a multi-year grant